Welcome to the Official Website for the new "FLYING MAN DOCUMENTARY"
Title of the Movie: "Flying Man: Life and Times of Johnny Myers"
Who was Johnny Myers?
His nickname was "The Maestro." Johnny Myers was a great test pilot, famous for his work with Northrop and Lockheed during and after World War II. Myers was the lead test pilot for the P-61 Black Widow, the Northrop Flying Wing, and hundreds of other experimental aircraft that led to today's stealth bombers.
About the Movie:
Director RJ McHatton and Producer Bill Maxwell were first introduced to the Johnny Myers story when their company Inventive Productions was commissioned to do a Memorial Biography of Johnny Myers for the Legends of Aviation ceremony in Beverly Hills last January. For the biography, McHatton travelled to California to interview Myers' family and friends. McHatton and Maxwell were intrigued by how many heroic aviation Legends considered Johnny Myers the one great Aviator among them. McHatton interviewed Legends of Aviation Bob Hoover, General Bill Anders, Clay Lacy, James Raisbeck, and Barron Hilton for the Myers short film. We were able to locate a long forgotten video interview with Johnny Myers from the Experimental Test Pilot Association, who were kind enough to let us use the footage for the Biography. As we learned more about this unique character of Johnny Myers, we became more convinced that there was a really fantastic, unique story here.
We have started production on the new documentary "THE FLYING MAN: LIFE AND TIMES OF JOHNNY MYERS."
Check out some of the PEOPLE we have interviewed so far for this movie.
Wes Myers Lou Myers Barron Hilton
Bill Anders James Raisbeck Bob Hoover
John Gavin Warren Christopher Tad Devine
Roy Wolford Janice Merriweather Eric Rhoads
Bill Tilley David Price Peter Mullin
Peter Allen H. Russell Smith Lissa Myers Wolfe
Cleo & Carroll Shelby Tom Jones Paul Thayer
Clay Lacy John Dailey
Read about these PEOPLE and see samples of their INTERVIEWs by CLICKING HERE.
Here is a short movie trailer about our documentary on Johnny Myers aka "THE FLYING MAN"
We received some motion picture stock footage from the Northrop Grumman archives about Johnny Myers. This footage includes some great shots of Johnny Myers flying several experimental aircraft and even one of his actual crashes in full motion. It is both scary and breathtaking. Thank you from the team at Northrop Grumman for allowing us to have access to your historical archives for our documentary.This documentary is the true story of one of the greatest but least-known aviation test pilots, Johnny Myers.
John W. Myers standing next to an old picture of himself
Article about John Myers from the Modesto Bee http://www.modbee.com/local/story/200138.html
Article about John Myers from the New York Times : http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/10/us/10myers.html
Article about John Myers from the Smithsonian Magazine: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history-archaeology/secretary-may06.html
Article about John Myers flying and crashing the Flying Wing: http://www.specialtypress.com/vstore/showdetl.cfm?Product_ID=1803&DID=8&chapter=1
Article about John Myers from Aero News: http://tinyurl.com/mv5pmy
Do you have any of the following?
1. have a suggestion of people we should interview for this documentary "THE FLYING MAN: LIFE AND TIMES OF JOHNNY MYERS"
2. have any photos of John Myers we can use in our film
3. have any stories about John Myers
If so, please call RJ McHatton at 541-610-5053 or email rj@inventiveproductions.com
Thanks again for all your help with this great project.
RJ McHatton
The International Documentary Association (IDA) is the Fiscal Sponsor for this new documentary. This means that individuals and companies and organizations can donate funds for the final production of this documentary through the IDA, a legal 501(c). The IDA (International Documentary Association) has set up a special website page where people can make online donations to our documentary project THE FLYING MAN. You can make a donation today by going to our Donation page CLICKING HERE AT THE IDA WEBSITE
PEOPLE who have been interviewed for this documentary; CLICK HERE
Take a look at the incredible PICTURES from Johnny Myers life by CLICKING HERE.
Thank you to the Myers family and friends for all their help with this documentary.
For more information about the new documentary "THE FLYING MAN: LIFE AND TIMES OF JOHNNY MYERS"
Producer: Bill Maxwell
Writer-Director: RJ McHatton
Inventive Productions LLC
Email: rj@inventiveproductions.com
Website: www.inventiveproductions.com